Our automatic emergency escape hammer provides a fast and reliable exit through a toughened glass window. Data from accidents and research shows that the provision of emergency exits on trains is often inadequate. Safescape provides passengers with emergency exits that will provide fast emergency escape and could therefore save lives.
Key Features of the Automatic Emergency Escape Hammer
- Operates in seconds creating an exit quickly
- Retrofit to existing windows or build into new windows
- Replaces hammer and cannot be stolen
- Fast, efficient emergency escape at the push of a button.
- Easy to use.
- Does not require strength – anyone can use it.
- Safety film option makes escape safer, easier and faster.
- Attaches directly to Escape Window avoiding confusion.
- Anti-tamper mechanisms built in.
- Low maintenance requirement.
- Custom design available for new trains / refurbishments.
All Safescape units in the are designed to be fitted to existing windows made from toughened/tempered glass, single or double glazed. Fitting is quick and straight forward using VHB (very high bond) tape, time to fit approx 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the model of train. The unit is self-contained and has minimum maintenance requirements. Internal batteries have a 10 year life. A circuit and battery test button make testing easy. The option of a window film makes pushing the window away easier and safer.
Safescape was originally designed for trains following a number of accidents where people struggled to escape.
Clean Rooms
Allow your staff to get out of harm's way quickly if there is an emergency in a clean room or laboratory.
Our first clients fitted Safescape on to buses. This is much neater than hammers and cannot be stolen.
Safescape can be used for emergency escape where the windows fitted contain toughened glass.
The automatic emergency escape hammer can be used on buses, trains, clean rooms or in buildings. They can include additional features to make them less liable to misuse or tampering depending on where the device has to be located. Other electric circuits can be accessed if required to link into other systems in the building, bus or train.
The units can be specified when the vehicle or building is specified making it easier to design the units to fit into the plans.
If you would like to discuss your project or to find out more about our automatic emergency escape systems, please contact us.